Sunday, February 26, 2017

Another good week - getting ready to ride the GAP in May!

So another week has come and gone. Let's recap the week!

Another good week losing weight! I dropped 1.4 pounds this week and I'm down 14.8 pounds for the month. The goal is to get to 200 pounds by the end of the year; and so far, so good (although I "cheated" today on the diet...back to Planet Fitness and the exercise bike tomorrow!)

I also had a great biking week. It was a warm week through Friday, and I took advantage. My total mileage was 66 miles, and 51 were done outside. I did some riding back and forth to work (almost three miles each way), and the long ride was 17 miles. Felt good on all of my rides. Knowing that the weather was going to change on the weekend, I decided to get the bike to Summit City Cycles and Fitness for the spring tune-up. When I took it in, the mechanic noted that I wore a lot of things out. Let's see, a solo bike-packing trip from DC to Pittsburgh last year, Lorie's Lakeside Century, etc., yep, that's a lot of miles!

I also purchased panniers for my Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) trip in May. I purchased the same panniers I used last year. I severely overloaded the panniers last year, but they survived the trip, and I promptly tossed them in the trash. For my GAP trip this year, I'm only riding three days, and I'm not camping, so they'll be fine.

Next Saturday is the first "official" training ride for the GAP. I'm hoping that some of my Fort Wayne friends join me, not just for the training ride next week, but to ride the GAP in May. I won't call them out on my blog; but they know who they are 😉 Right now, nine people are going on the trip in May - and we are going to have fun!

Until next week...


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